Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology and Marketing Essay - 812 Words

Technology and Marketing In 20/20 Vision, future consumers were described as sophisticated consumers who are educated, wired professionals with some significant disposable income. Technology, including the Internet, will continue to play important roles in their lives. As consumers, these people will have a lot of power. Information will be available to them from a variety of sources, and it is likely that these individuals will use these sources. Elderly Americans will make up a huge part of the population due to the extended years of life people are living. Many others will be immigrants from another country. Right now, there are approximately 30 million native and non-native Hispanic residents nationwide. This number is expected†¦show more content†¦These individuals will seek to work for companies that inspire loyalty among its workers and its customers. Bottom line: technology will be an essential factor in peoples lives and will need to be available to all consumers. Technology will have a great impact on society and its daily functions. Many people will be using the Net and other resources to do everything from grocery shop to buying cars. There will be a continual elimination of the middleman, and speed and efficiency will be very important. The walls of factories will be broken down and any business that plans on surviving needs to recognize this change. Companies will need to have a real understanding of their consumers as well as their employees needs beyond the obvious offerings of the company. Part II The information describing the changes of future consumers is vital to marketing managers. This information is relevant when evaluating customer characteristics and their needs and wants. It is apparent that technology will continue to grow in importance in the future, and more individuals will have access to various technological resources like the Internet. When developing a marketing plan, it is important to understand the role of technology and how marketing can use this understanding to its advantage. With people living dot-com lives, its essential that future companies optimize the use of Internet for advertising and providingShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Marketing Impact On The Marketing Industry1103 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology and Marketing From the beginnings of an advertising campaign design to the implementation of large scale marketing efforts, technology has had a noticeable impact on the marketing industry. It is becoming more and more important for marketing experts to stay current with new software and programs to ensure they can reach their targeted client base. Companies are reaching out to more and more individuals, as the competition increases daily. 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