Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Health And Welfare Of The United States Essay - 1855 Words

Overview The burden of diabetes in the United States has become a persistent threat to the health and welfare of the people and the nation. Diabetes is ranked the seventh cause of death. Diabetes is a disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose caused by problems in insulin production, working of the produced insulin, or even both, which results in serious complications and ultimately death (National Diabetes Education Program, 2007). Type-two diabetes however, occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or make use of insulin the body produces effectively. It has been diagnosed in all shades of the U.S. population, and Hispanics are nearly as twice (12.8%) to have diabetes compared to non-Hispanic whites (7.6%) (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Hispanics are disproportionately afflicted with diabetes compared with other ethnicities like Non-Hispanic whites or Asian Americans, looking at levels of diabetes complications (Appendix A, Figure 1). In a s tudy, Coffman, Norton, and Beene (2012) found that nearly half (46.6%) of Hispanics randomly selected had low health literacy levels. There is a consensus among researchers on the issue of poor knowledge or education in diabetes and diabetes self-management. Whereas ideas, such as diet and exercise modifications, using medications correctly, self-monitoring of blood glucose, and making regular follow ups with a primary care provider are generally accepted, they are often not understood and notShow MoreRelatedParenthood Is Affordable, The United States Department Of Health, Education, And Welfare1025 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica don’t have insurance or simply cannot afford health care. Planned Parenthood does have professional doctors who specialized in many reproductive health services. Planned Parenthood is affordable, the program takes a patient whether they have insurance or not, not only that, they charge you by how much income you make. 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