Friday, February 28, 2020

Video case Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video case - Coursework Example As a result, it has been able to build a good PR by offering consumers with products and services that best suit them and at the same time create good relationships with the companies. Groupon has used the power of the media to grow its reputation and gain trust among consumers and businesses. Groupon has also used personal selling effectively in selling its products and services. For example, through phone calls and emails, the company has been able to reach out to a number of businesses throughout the country. Groupon uses word of mouth to understand some of the best places where consumers can be directed. Through this, the company is able to offer the best deals. In addition, by using review sites such as Yelp and Citysearch, Groupon is able to get the best deals for consumers and get the best businesses to partner with. There is a difference in how Groupon markets itself to consumers versus how it does to businesses and companies. When marketing itself to businesses and companies, Groupon relies on personal interactions and through telephone. This is different when marketing itself to consumers since it is mainly done through the internet. In other words, in order to reach out to businesses, it heavily relies on its sales force to interact with potential companies. This is done through phone calls and emails. However, when reaching out to consumers, the Groupon uses social media and the internet to reach out to consumers. In addition, unlike businesses, Groupon relies on the word of mouth through conversations between consumers to market itself. This is because consumers interact with each other and thus help to market the company to friends and relatives. Business may find it necessary to adapt the promotional mix because of the different tastes and preferences in the market. Therefore, businesses need to adapt the promotional mix in order to meet the demands of the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

O. J. Simpson Crimial Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

O. J. Simpson Crimial Trial - Essay Example Yet another reason for his acquittal related to the fact that DNA evidence, which was relatively new in trials, was doubtable as noted by Eliot (1995). In order for the court to prove that someone has committed murder, four elements must be proved. Harris, Thomas, Fisher and Hirsch (2002) state that the elements of murder in this sense include killing, with malice aforethought, by another human being, unlawfully as noted by). Yet again, the killing has to be of a human being for murder to apply. Malice in this sense constitutes having the intent to kill, intent to engage in a dangerous felony, intent to harm a person’s body seriously without causing death, or irresponsible indifference to cause to human life risk that is high and that cannot be justified (Harris, Thomas, Fisher and Hirsch, 2002). From the trial, the defense team succeeded in convincing the jury that there was not sufficient evidence to link James to the murder of the two victims. As a result, the accused was acquitted only later to be convicted for the wrongful death of